LOLART SCHOOL is a private co-educational school registered with the Ministry of Education of Ontario (BSID 669329). LOLART SCHOOL aims to provide a challenging and rewarding program with a focus on STEAM education. Our goal is to ensure sound learning opportunities for all students and to foster academic excellence needed for university.
• LOLART SCHOOL is committed to provide our students with thought-provoking opportunities, a motivating and inspiring environment, and the support needed for high-quality learning.
• Well-balanced art programs aim to develop students’ full potential of creativity, ability to express and communicate artistically and build up students solid foundations for more intensive and specialized study.
• Transforming the typical teacher-centered classroom by encouraging a curriculum that is driven by discovery, exploratory learning and problem-solving with a focus on mathematics and computer science.
• Students’ self-assessment skills are fully developed at LOLART SCHOOL to enable them to be life-long independent learners.
• Classes are in small sizes and taught by highly qualified teachers with a wide range of experience in curriculum content and differentiated instructional and assessment strategies.
Recent Graduates
2020/04 Tian Guo, Queens University, Commerce
2020/04 Chris Chen, Waterloo University Mathematics
2019/04 Simon Y Waterloo University Computer Science
2019/04 Bobby Xu, The University of Edinburgh, Computer Science
2018/12 Ray Yang , Chevy Luo Waterloo CSMC
2018/09 Helena Lam, Univ. of Toronto Medical School
2018/09 Ambrose Chen, Washington University at St. Louis Pre-Med Program
2018/09 Annie Dai, Univ. of Toronto, Computer Science

2018/09 Harrison Zhang, Univ. of Toronto, Computer Science
2018/09 Harry Wang, Univ. of Toronto, Mathematics
2018/09 Cyrus Chen, Western University, Computer Science
2018/09 Maggie Lam, Univ. of Toronto, Rotman Commerce
2018/09 Mo Zhou, Univ. of Toronto, Rotman Commerce
2018/09 Connie Shen, Univ. of Toronto, Rotman Commerce
2018/09 Vincent Li, UTM, Computer Science
2018/09 Jialu Wang, Western Univ., Engineer

Our Promise for Fairness and Inclusion
At LOLART SCHOOL, we're dedicated to making sure every student feels valued, supported, and ready to contribute to a world where everyone is treated fairly, no matter their race or background. We're taking action by:
Having honest talks with everyone in our school community.
Including diverse perspectives in what we teach, making sure to represent different races, cultures, and identities.
Offering a four-year program that focuses on students' well-being, sense of belonging, and understanding of important issues like social justice.
Providing regular training for our teachers, staff, and leaders to help them understand and fight against biases and racism.
Our Policy of Fair Treatment
At LOLART SCHOOL, we welcome students from all walks of life – regardless of race, nationality, religion, physical ability, financial situation, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Everyone here has the same opportunities to take part in everything the school offers. We make sure our rules and practices treat everyone equally and support all members of our community.
At our school, we believe in the power of perseverance and the pursuit of excellence.
We strive to instill in our students the resilience to overcome challenges and the determination to continuously improve. Through a supportive and nurturing environment, we inspire each individual to reach their full potential academically, personally, and socially.
Our philosophy encourages a growth mindset, where setbacks are seen as opportunities for learning and growth, and where every achievement, no matter how small, is celebrated. We are committed to fostering a culture of success, where each student is empowered to persevere and excel in all aspects of their lives.

We believe that learning is really important, and it's great to talk and share ideas. It's also important for young people who love learning to feel like they belong in a friendly, creative, and diverse community. We encourage our students to dive into their studies, respect each other, and become adults who love learning, know right from wrong, and are kind and generous.
Supporting Our Teachers' Growth
We help our teachers and staff grow by supporting various professional development activities. These include attending academic conferences, working together on new curriculum ideas, and participating in workshops about fairness and including everyone.
Webinar: Understanding Teenage Behavior
This online seminar will discuss the newest research about how teenagers think and act. It will show high school teachers how this information is important for their work. The topics will include how teenagers learn and remember things, how their hormones affect their thinking, how they react to mistakes, how they respond to rewards, and how to keep them motivated in class. More details can be found below.
Visual Guide to Brave Conversations
This online session helps participants learn how to have difficult conversations in a visual way. It provides tools and techniques to make these conversations easier and more effective.
Teaching Foundations Online Program
This program is designed to help all teachers, especially those who are new to teaching in independent schools. It focuses on the basics of teaching and offers opportunities to connect with other teachers. The topics covered include understanding yourself and your students, planning lessons, building good relationships with students, giving feedback, and building a successful teaching career. More information is available by clicking the link below.
Emergency Plans for Parents and Students
In case of an emergency, we will send a text and email to all student contacts using our emergency alert system. It's really important for parents and guardians to keep the school updated if their phone numbers change.
Student Release
If it's safe to do so, students will only be allowed to leave with authorized parents or guardians listed on their emergency contact card.
Emergency Procedures
We practice what to do in emergencies regularly:
Fire or Evacuation: We evacuate to the parking lot when the fire alarm goes off. Teachers make sure classrooms are safe, then take students to the parking lot. After checking everything is okay, everyone can go back inside.
Earthquake: If there's an earthquake, everyone should find cover, like under a table, and protect their heads until the shaking stops. If it's safe, we stay in our rooms. If the shaking is bad, we follow the evacuation plan.
Lockdown: If there's a lockdown, we make sure all students are safe and accounted for. We'll be told what to do through the school video system and must stay inside until we're told it's safe to leave.
This program is designed to help all teachers, especially those who are new to teaching in independent schools. It focuses on the basics of teaching and offers opportunities to connect with other teachers. The topics covered include understanding yourself and your students, planning lessons, building good relationships with students, giving feedback, and building a successful teaching career. More information is available by clicking the link below.

At LOLART School, there are 5 terms over a school year (please refer to school year calendar for details). Report cards will be provided in the middle and at the end of each term. Course timetables are available on website and also in the principal’s office.
Course Calendar Download